Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "From a Distance"
Now, I'm not sure if I mis-typed this on the original Schedule, but Hey!, I'll just run with it. This photo was taken at Sherwood...I was just driving and saw the Cityscape in my rear vision mirror so I stopped the car, hopped out and snapped it quickly in the middle of the road before I was taken out but a random motorist screaming up the hill :)
Well, I'm nearing the end of my 30 Day Photography Challenge and really found it very hard (obviously) to keep up with taking a photo a day...God knows how those dedicated folks out there manage a "365 Project"!! :)
Monday, 14 May 2012
The Photo for Day 28 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Flowers"
I have chosen to take a pic of the bunch of flowers I gave my beloved Mum for Mother's Day...not too exciting but really, flowers are beautiful enough not to need to much "work"..... :) Can anyone tell it's nearing the end of the 30 days?? :D
I have chosen to take a pic of the bunch of flowers I gave my beloved Mum for Mother's Day...not too exciting but really, flowers are beautiful enough not to need to much "work"..... :) Can anyone tell it's nearing the end of the 30 days?? :D
Sunday, 13 May 2012
The Photo for Day 26 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Close up"
This is a photo of a "Puff Ball" from my Mother's Garden...not sure that that is the real Botanical name for the flower itself but the kids christened them as "Puff Balls" so I'm going to run with it..
This is a photo of a "Puff Ball" from my Mother's Garden...not sure that that is the real Botanical name for the flower itself but the kids christened them as "Puff Balls" so I'm going to run with it..
The Photo for Day 25 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Something Pink"
I had plenty of photos of Pink Marshmallows, Pink flowers etc but as usual settled on the prettiest "something (in) pink" I could find :)
I had plenty of photos of Pink Marshmallows, Pink flowers etc but as usual settled on the prettiest "something (in) pink" I could find :)
The Photo for Day 24 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Animal"
I was toying with the idea of getting a photo of one of the kids eating (which would definately fit the Bill), but instead thought I'd go with the obvious photo...My dog, Gypsy.
What a mistake!! She may be fluffy and cute but I have now realised that Cavoodle puppies are really as dumb as a bagful of hair! Really!!? How hard is it to "Sit" and "Stay"!!! This was the best I could get after basically filling my memory card with out of focus and out of frame photos!! :)
I was toying with the idea of getting a photo of one of the kids eating (which would definately fit the Bill), but instead thought I'd go with the obvious photo...My dog, Gypsy.
What a mistake!! She may be fluffy and cute but I have now realised that Cavoodle puppies are really as dumb as a bagful of hair! Really!!? How hard is it to "Sit" and "Stay"!!! This was the best I could get after basically filling my memory card with out of focus and out of frame photos!! :)
The Photo for Day 23 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Sun Flare"
I took a few photos during the day today but the sun was too high...I was patient, waited until the afternoon and got this lovely photo of the Sun behind Mum's beloved Roses. I love the lovely soft and dreamlike effect the Sun Flare gives..
I took a few photos during the day today but the sun was too high...I was patient, waited until the afternoon and got this lovely photo of the Sun behind Mum's beloved Roses. I love the lovely soft and dreamlike effect the Sun Flare gives..
The Photo for Day 22 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Hands"
What better day than Mother's Day to show a couple of my favourite hands...My Mum and my Daughter... lovely! :)
What better day than Mother's Day to show a couple of my favourite hands...My Mum and my Daughter... lovely! :)
The Challenge for Day 21 in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Faceless Self Portrait"
Seeing I was at Mum's today with her abundance of Autumn leaves I thought it very fitting to weave them into my "Portrait". These are the "Self Portraits" that I like! :)
Seeing I was at Mum's today with her abundance of Autumn leaves I thought it very fitting to weave them into my "Portrait". These are the "Self Portraits" that I like! :)
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Oh Dear!! How slack have I been in the 30 Day Photography Challenge?! :( I know it's cheating but I intend to get back up-to-date, even if it means taking the last 8 days Photography Challenges in ONE DAY!!! Wish me Luck and Stay Tuned this afternoon / evening for what are, hopefully, some beautiful photos! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you lovely Mummies out there! :)
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Bokeh"
I love the Bokeh makes the photo look dreamy. I would love to create a Bokeh Hood for my camera so I can get the "Heart" effect rather than the day :)
Anyway, here is my submission. I call it "A Vaseful of Bokeh"
Hope you like it :)
I love the Bokeh makes the photo look dreamy. I would love to create a Bokeh Hood for my camera so I can get the "Heart" effect rather than the day :)
Anyway, here is my submission. I call it "A Vaseful of Bokeh"
Hope you like it :)
Friday, 4 May 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Something Orange"
Photograph a Mandarin? Photograph an Orange? Photograph an Oompa Loompa?....Well, that would mean that I have to get up out of my "Nerd Chair"'s Friday night, I'm tired...what's close and within hands reach?........MY PAPERWEIGHT!!! YAY!!!
Photograph a Mandarin? Photograph an Orange? Photograph an Oompa Loompa?....Well, that would mean that I have to get up out of my "Nerd Chair"'s Friday night, I'm tired...what's close and within hands reach?........MY PAPERWEIGHT!!! YAY!!!
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Your Shoes"
What can I say...there is only one word that needs to be used "Ipanema"...the most comfy shoes in the world!! :)
What can I say...there is only one word that needs to be used "Ipanema"...the most comfy shoes in the world!! :)
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Technology"
After searching around the mountains of old keyboards, USB cables, mice, more cables, things I don't even know what they hell they are and more cables in my Study I finally found what, I think, I was looking for...I think it's a Mother Board or an Audio Dohicky...(really, I have no idea what it is but it looks pretty cool)..
After searching around the mountains of old keyboards, USB cables, mice, more cables, things I don't even know what they hell they are and more cables in my Study I finally found what, I think, I was looking for...I think it's a Mother Board or an Audio Dohicky...(really, I have no idea what it is but it looks pretty cool)..
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Long Exposure"
I have to admit (although it's pretty obvious) I added a Photoshop Filter to this shot to make it abit more "abstract" :)
It was a photo of my daughter waving around her pink Light Saber in the backyard. I added a "Liquify" filter in Photoshop. I love fiddling around with different effects and filters to see what can be created.
I have to admit (although it's pretty obvious) I added a Photoshop Filter to this shot to make it abit more "abstract" :)
It was a photo of my daughter waving around her pink Light Saber in the backyard. I added a "Liquify" filter in Photoshop. I love fiddling around with different effects and filters to see what can be created.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Eyes"
My daughter, Olivia, is always a great subject when it comes to having to photograph eyes, so with bored resignation she stepped up to the plate.
I have done so many photos of Olivia's eyes that I thought I might do abit of something different to this one...go the Cross Processing!!! :)
My daughter, Olivia, is always a great subject when it comes to having to photograph eyes, so with bored resignation she stepped up to the plate.
I have done so many photos of Olivia's eyes that I thought I might do abit of something different to this one...go the Cross Processing!!! :)
Friday, 27 April 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "You with 13 Things"
What can I say about this photo?......................SHOES!!!!!! :)
What can I say about this photo?......................SHOES!!!!!! :)
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Sunset"
Well, the weather has been (and I fear, will continue to be) against me with this Challenge.
So, unfortunately, this is about as close as I am going to get to a Sunset for the time being.. :)
Well, the weather has been (and I fear, will continue to be) against me with this Challenge.
So, unfortunately, this is about as close as I am going to get to a Sunset for the time being.. :)
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Something Blue"
The photo that chose for this Challenge could also be mistaken for a "Bad Habit"... MY KNITTING WOOL!!! Bring on the Winter and the Winter Beanies!
The photo that chose for this Challenge could also be mistaken for a "Bad Habit"... MY KNITTING WOOL!!! Bring on the Winter and the Winter Beanies!
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Childhood Memory"
When I think of Childhood Memories I immediately go to a book that I remember reading in Grade 4. It was called a "Necklace of Raindrops"....for years and years afterwards I remembered mostly the illustrations..I loved the Silhouetted figures against the colourful backgrounds.
About 5 years ago, I vowed to find the book...after much researching (which took awhile based on the fact I couldn't actually remember the NAME of the book) I found it on EBay and quickly snapped it up.
The illustrations were just as I remembered and now the book is a favourite of the it's all coming full circle. :)
When I think of Childhood Memories I immediately go to a book that I remember reading in Grade 4. It was called a "Necklace of Raindrops"....for years and years afterwards I remembered mostly the illustrations..I loved the Silhouetted figures against the colourful backgrounds.
About 5 years ago, I vowed to find the book...after much researching (which took awhile based on the fact I couldn't actually remember the NAME of the book) I found it on EBay and quickly snapped it up.
The illustrations were just as I remembered and now the book is a favourite of the it's all coming full circle. :)
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Someone you Love"
Well, there were so many choices in this Challenge...There are so many people that I love. But I had to choose the one that available on the day!!! :)
My li'l Monkey Man...doing something that HE loves so much.....being a NERD!!!
Well, there were so many choices in this Challenge...There are so many people that I love. But I had to choose the one that available on the day!!! :)
My li'l Monkey Man...doing something that HE loves so much.....being a NERD!!!
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Bad Habit"
Well, there probably are a few "Bad Habits" that I could have used in this Challenge but not many of them photograph that well, so I decided on one of the top ones....the habit to which I am, unfortunately, totally at the mercy of......COFFEE!!
To me there is a fine line between "Bad Habit" and "Necessity"
Well, there probably are a few "Bad Habits" that I could have used in this Challenge but not many of them photograph that well, so I decided on one of the top ones....the habit to which I am, unfortunately, totally at the mercy of......COFFEE!!
To me there is a fine line between "Bad Habit" and "Necessity"
COLLAGES: Single Prints long, forgotten Cousin..
I had an epiphany today...that's right an epiphany!! I was looking through the "Sneak Peek" collages that I have done for recent Photoshoots and thought to myself...."these would look pretty cool blown up and hung as a Canvas!!"
There it earth shattering, ground breaking epiphany!!! :)
So, now after your Photoshoot, as well as buying single prints on Canvas, Meeni Miini Moh are offering Collages. These can be ordered in any of the Canvas sizes (either wrapped or print only)
So, now your walls don't need to be covered with a hundred different frames of family and kids (although, let's face it, that's pretty cool too!), you can just have one central piece filled to the brim with beautiful images of your loved ones.
Another area in which Collages come into their their own is tying people and things or places together. An example is, as below, My Favourite Things. A photo of your kids with their very favourite toys, clothes, books etc is a wonderful keepsake in years to come - a snapshot of time.
I had an epiphany today...that's right an epiphany!! I was looking through the "Sneak Peek" collages that I have done for recent Photoshoots and thought to myself...."these would look pretty cool blown up and hung as a Canvas!!"
There it earth shattering, ground breaking epiphany!!! :)
So, now after your Photoshoot, as well as buying single prints on Canvas, Meeni Miini Moh are offering Collages. These can be ordered in any of the Canvas sizes (either wrapped or print only)
So, now your walls don't need to be covered with a hundred different frames of family and kids (although, let's face it, that's pretty cool too!), you can just have one central piece filled to the brim with beautiful images of your loved ones.
Another area in which Collages come into their their own is tying people and things or places together. An example is, as below, My Favourite Things. A photo of your kids with their very favourite toys, clothes, books etc is a wonderful keepsake in years to come - a snapshot of time.
Photoshoots for "Time Capsule" Canvases are preferably done in your home where all your kids favourite things are.
Babies' First Year is a special time for every parent, from the first few weeks with your precious newborn to the first smiles, first laughs and first steps… The first 12 months will fly by.
The First Year Package from Meeni Miini Moh Photography is specially designed to document this precious time and capture the special memories.
The Package includes:
- 5 x Photo Sessions
- Professional Editing
- 5 x 8x10 Prints (1 per Photo Session)
- Bespoke Coffee Table Book (Available after 12 month Session)
The first shoot is of the Newborn Baby and should take place in the first 2 weeks if possible. The session mainly focuses on the Baby but Mum, Dad and any siblings can join also.
The next 3 sessions are at 3, 6 and 9 months. These sessions focus solely on the baby.
The final session will take place when baby is 1 year old. Again most of the focus will be on the baby however Mum, Dad and any siblings can join in this shoot too.
After each session you will be given the opportunity to choose your favourite image which you will then receive as a beautiful 8 x 10 Print.
At the end of the year you will receive a Bespoke Coffee Table Book which will include the best images from the year.
All sessions will take place in the comfort of your own home or outside on location.
Check out website: for pricing.
The First Year Package from Meeni Miini Moh Photography is specially designed to document this precious time and capture the special memories.
The Package includes:
- 5 x Photo Sessions
- Professional Editing
- 5 x 8x10 Prints (1 per Photo Session)
- Bespoke Coffee Table Book (Available after 12 month Session)
The first shoot is of the Newborn Baby and should take place in the first 2 weeks if possible. The session mainly focuses on the Baby but Mum, Dad and any siblings can join also.
The next 3 sessions are at 3, 6 and 9 months. These sessions focus solely on the baby.
The final session will take place when baby is 1 year old. Again most of the focus will be on the baby however Mum, Dad and any siblings can join in this shoot too.
After each session you will be given the opportunity to choose your favourite image which you will then receive as a beautiful 8 x 10 Print.
At the end of the year you will receive a Bespoke Coffee Table Book which will include the best images from the year.
All sessions will take place in the comfort of your own home or outside on location.
Check out website: for pricing.
Monday, 23 April 2012
"Today's" Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Fruit"
Nearly catching up... :) Fruit?...what can I do with Fruit?...Nothing very exciting about the "Still Life of a Fruit Bowl"...but in saying that...I need to do something with all these Apples the kids keep insisting I buy and then leave to turn into brown, soggy little balls... Here goes..
Nearly catching up... :) Fruit?...what can I do with Fruit?...Nothing very exciting about the "Still Life of a Fruit Bowl"...but in saying that...I need to do something with all these Apples the kids keep insisting I buy and then leave to turn into brown, soggy little balls... Here goes..
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "From a low angle"
Well, it's not actually TODAY as it is, more accurately, 2 days ago, but with all the post processing from my last Photoshoot, entertaining 3 little rapscallions and the ever so precious "Mummy time", I'm abit late in my posting but nonetheless.....Ta Da!! Here it is! :)
Well, it's not actually TODAY as it is, more accurately, 2 days ago, but with all the post processing from my last Photoshoot, entertaining 3 little rapscallions and the ever so precious "Mummy time", I'm abit late in my posting but nonetheless.....Ta Da!! Here it is! :)
Friday, 20 April 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "From a High Angle"
After many attempts trying to take pictures of my son, my cat, my dog, the grass...I came inside, had a strong cup of coffee and fell back on an old favourite, Barbie...
Aaahhh Barbie, you have always been there for me since I was a child, you don't whinge, you don't move and you don't pull silly faces... God Bless You!!
After many attempts trying to take pictures of my son, my cat, my dog, the grass...I came inside, had a strong cup of coffee and fell back on an old favourite, Barbie...
Aaahhh Barbie, you have always been there for me since I was a child, you don't whinge, you don't move and you don't pull silly faces... God Bless You!!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Today's Photo in the the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "Something Green"
I was thinking of tree lined streets, close ups of grass but decided on a simple yet effective shot of a topiary ball against the wall. Go Green!! :)
I was thinking of tree lined streets, close ups of grass but decided on a simple yet effective shot of a topiary ball against the wall. Go Green!! :)
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Today's Photo in the 30 day Photography Challenge is "Clouds"
I took the kiddies down to the Brisbane River to play (aka test out Mumma's new lens) and thought this would be a good photo....I took alot of photos of purely Clouds but liked the dimensions of this one.
I took the kiddies down to the Brisbane River to play (aka test out Mumma's new lens) and thought this would be a good photo....I took alot of photos of purely Clouds but liked the dimensions of this one.
Monday, 16 April 2012
Today's photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "What you wore today"
Well, this is what I am wearing today....thank goodness the neighbours couldn't see me roaming around the backyard in my hundred year old dressing gown setting up the shot!!
Well, this is what I am wearing today....thank goodness the neighbours couldn't see me roaming around the backyard in my hundred year old dressing gown setting up the shot!!
Today's Photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge was "Self Portrait"
After many hits and misses, including dogs, cats and kids running into the shot, I settled on this one...A Lady and her Camera :)
I now know that I'm definately more comfortable BEHIND the camera! :)
After many hits and misses, including dogs, cats and kids running into the shot, I settled on this one...A Lady and her Camera :)
I now know that I'm definately more comfortable BEHIND the camera! :)
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Although I am currently undertaking my "Year in Weekends" project, I thought I'd up the ante and try a 30 day Photography Challenge...I've seen plenty of these personal projects online and thought it was a fun and creative idea!! :)
I'm starting my "Odyssey" on Monday (when the kids are back at school and all is good with the World!) and will post all the photos here in my Blog as well as on the Meeni Miini Moh Facebook page for all eyes to see (which will keep me from being lazy and not finishing!)
If anyone wants to join me, that would be wonderful!!! It's abit of fun and gets your mind clicking over with all the possibilities. Just post your photos to either your Facebook page or Blog and leave a link back to your photo here on that Day's Blog Post.....
Happy and Creative Clicking!!
I'm starting my "Odyssey" on Monday (when the kids are back at school and all is good with the World!) and will post all the photos here in my Blog as well as on the Meeni Miini Moh Facebook page for all eyes to see (which will keep me from being lazy and not finishing!)
If anyone wants to join me, that would be wonderful!!! It's abit of fun and gets your mind clicking over with all the possibilities. Just post your photos to either your Facebook page or Blog and leave a link back to your photo here on that Day's Blog Post.....
Happy and Creative Clicking!!
Saturday, 7 April 2012
As most Photographers find themselves in a similar bind, I have SO many generic photos of places I've been or images that strike my fancy, so I'm toying with the idea of making them available for anyone that wants to use them as their Facebook Timeline Cover.
Since the new Facebook format has been introduced I thought it may be a good idea to get some lovely photos out there and hopefully spread the Meeni Miini Moh name.
So, please feel free to right click away and save any of the photos that reside in the FREE TIMELINE COVER DOWNLOADS Album on the Meeni Miini Moh Facebook page - Click here to go to Meeni Miini Moh's Facebook Page
I only ask that if you have decided to use one of my Photos that you leave a comment (either here on my Blog or on Meeni Miini Moh's Facebook page) advising that you have so I can ascertain whether this is a viable excercise.
Since the new Facebook format has been introduced I thought it may be a good idea to get some lovely photos out there and hopefully spread the Meeni Miini Moh name.
So, please feel free to right click away and save any of the photos that reside in the FREE TIMELINE COVER DOWNLOADS Album on the Meeni Miini Moh Facebook page - Click here to go to Meeni Miini Moh's Facebook Page
I only ask that if you have decided to use one of my Photos that you leave a comment (either here on my Blog or on Meeni Miini Moh's Facebook page) advising that you have so I can ascertain whether this is a viable excercise.
I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Easter surrounded by friends, family and copious amounts of CHOCOLATE and chocolate related products!!
I thought my Easter pic this year would touch on one of the important but mainly over-looked Perils that are involved in the Easter's Bunny's important yearly task...THE DOG
FOR ALL THE KIDS OUT THERE: After the photo was taken I did see the Easter Bunny hop off into the garden so I'm happy to report that Gypsy's "joy" at finally catching a glimpse of him didn't cause any permanent bodily harm :)
I thought my Easter pic this year would touch on one of the important but mainly over-looked Perils that are involved in the Easter's Bunny's important yearly task...THE DOG
FOR ALL THE KIDS OUT THERE: After the photo was taken I did see the Easter Bunny hop off into the garden so I'm happy to report that Gypsy's "joy" at finally catching a glimpse of him didn't cause any permanent bodily harm :)
Friday, 6 April 2012
BELOVED PETS - The Next Great Adventure
For awhile now, I've been thinking about expanding my Photographic interests to incorporate our furry little friends (or as they are known in alot of homes, "our furry little children"). Being the owner of a refined beauty of a cat and a scruffy ruffian of a dog I've found myself starting to take more and more photos of them (as my children become less and less interested in having THEIR photos taken). So now, as an add-on to Meeni Miini Moh's core business of Families and Children...PETS will now also be taking centre stage. Because they deserve to have their gorgeous faces shown, here are a couple of photos of my little furry "children", Shiloh and Gypsy.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Meeni Miini Moh Specials
Includes the following:
- Photo Session Fee
- Professional Editing
- 2 x 8 x 10" Prints
- 3 x 5 x 7" Prints
Includes the following:
- Photo Session Fee
- Professional Editing
- 2 x 8 x 10" Prints
- 3 x 5 x 7" Prints
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