Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I've just added two more Prints to the Landscape / Prints page on Meeni Miini Moh's website.  

The first Print is of the absolutely stunning Millbrook Golf Club in Arrowtown, NZ.

I don't think I could have taken a bad photo in this neck of the woods. The scenery is just breathtaking wherever you look!

My second new Print is of my favourite Summer flower, the Frangapaini.  I know...I know....not the same old Frangapaini again.. but I just can't go past these photos. Frangapainis are just "Summer" and "Happy" to me and something about a photo of the flowers just takes me back to being 5 years old and climbing the tree we had in our front yard.

I hope you enjoy the new Prints and stay tuned for many more to come.

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