Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I've just added two more Prints to the Landscape / Prints page on Meeni Miini Moh's website.  

The first Print is of the absolutely stunning Millbrook Golf Club in Arrowtown, NZ.

I don't think I could have taken a bad photo in this neck of the woods. The scenery is just breathtaking wherever you look!

My second new Print is of my favourite Summer flower, the Frangapaini.  I know...I know....not the same old Frangapaini again.. but I just can't go past these photos. Frangapainis are just "Summer" and "Happy" to me and something about a photo of the flowers just takes me back to being 5 years old and climbing the tree we had in our front yard.

I hope you enjoy the new Prints and stay tuned for many more to come.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

LANDSCAPE / NATURE PRINTS....and it continues...

I have found more photos to put up on the Website to add to the LANDSCAPE / NATURE PRINTS page.

I have so many photos on my hard drive that, unfortunately, alot of them get looked at originally, 'Ooohed' and 'Aahhed'' over at the time and then, because I only have so many walls in my home, relegated to the dreaded c:/ never to be seen again.. BUT!!...now they have a chance at life again!

I'm loving going back over years and years of beautiful photos and have found so many that would make beautiful prints either on their own or within a collection.

So, here are a couple of my newest "resurrections"..

CATCH YOUR REFLECTION (Lake Hayes, Queenstown, NZ)

QUOTH THE "RAVEN" (Waxeyes, Arrowtown, NZ)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Now that I'm "Back in the Game" I can't be stopped looking back through my Archives of photos that were relegated to the "back of the line" and giving them a new lease on life! :)

Here is my newest Print to add to the growing collection...

LAZY SUMMER AFTERNOON (Woody Point Pier, Australia)


Meeni Miini Moh Photography has been dormant for awhile now (nearly a whole year now I come to think of it), so it's time to take it out of self imposed Retirement and get back up and running.

I'm very excited to start this new Chapter and have many exciting new ventures planned.

First of all, I'm adding LANDSCAPE / NATURE PRINTS onto the Website and hoping to grow my little business to the benefit of those who aren't necessarily interested in getting Family Photoshoots but instead would appreciate the "Art" that is Photography.

My photos have always had a more "artsy" component to them and now I'm looking to take advantage of that and sell them as Art Prints.

For this new venture I will primarily focus on, obviously, Landscape and Nature Prints. Prints that would suit any home (which I can attest to as I already have a couple of my prints, framed, up on my walls at home).

So, please check out the Website to see new Prints that will be added and also check out my Facebook Page for up to date information and the odd Giveaway or two..

In the meantime, please have a sneak peek at some of the Prints that I already have added to the Site.  I am still in the process of updating the Website with pricing, sizes etc.

MISTY MORN - Waxeyes (Queenstown, New Zealand)